RA-1 Shuttering oil

RA-1 Shuttering oil is made of a combination of special oils and chemicals such that it is soluble in water and has superior properties compared to conventional shuttering oil.

The oil forms a thin hydrophobic layer on the formwork surface, reacting with other chemicals available in the concrete and, in addition to easing formwork stripping, protects wooden and steel formworks.


In addition to preventing concrete’s adhesion to formwork, RA-1 Shuttering oil enables air exiting from the concrete during vibration and therefore prevents from the development of bubble-like voids (bubbling) on concrete’s surface.


The finished work surface totally smooth and without any voids, applicable with any type of steel, wooden and plastic formworks, reducing the cost of formworks cleaning, without any trace on concrete, covered area much more than conventional shuttering oils, protecting wooden formworks and preventing from rusting of steel formworks.


  • Considering the required concentration, add 2 to 5 lit of water to RA-1 Shuttering oil and stir well to obtain a uniform mixture. Then apply the mixture to formwork with a brush or spray gun. A thin layer is sufficient, and overuse is not necessary.
  • One liter of RA-1 Shuttering oil may cover at least 10 to 20 m2 of formwork, depending on its type, by spraying. For reused formworks, clean their surface before.
  • This material is not classified as hazardous and harmful to health and the environment; however, it must not be swallowed or be in contact with the eyes.
  • In case of accidental contact with skin or eyes, immediately rinseit with plenty of water.In case of being swallowed, immediately visit a physician.
  • This material is not inflammable, however, to prevent from fire, making fire in the implementation place is not allowed.

In case of using wooden formworks for the first time, application of two layers of oil is recommended

Physical state liquid
Color light and glassy brown
Specific weight ∼ 0.9 gr/cm2
Cl None
Expiry period and storage one year, in roofed storage
package 20-lit plastic containers